
About PoetryMama

PoetryMama is a global platform where you can discover latest Writing Trends, Poetry Contests, Book Reviews and more. 

Person Behind PoetryMama

Hey there, I’m Jaezlan Jahan

A writing enthusiast working my way through poetry, a student, part time blogger, an affiliate marketer and an artist.

I’m a 21 year old, passionate about sharing and visualising divergent ideas and platforms in the fields of creative writing. I’m a fervent supporter of bringing opportunities to surface and hope to help people creative their own brands in creative market.

Why PoetryMama?

As a poet myself, I find it quite troublesome to search for perfect platforms to publish poetry and other creative writings. There are no authentic sources for writers like myself to know which contest to apply for, what magazines to submit to, which patterns and trends work better and hundreds of such queries.


Therefore, to make things bit better for writers out there, I spent a whole year testing out all kinds of platforms, submitting to different magazines and global contests so you don’t have to waste your submission time in finding the right place for yours.

Contact Details

You can contact me on below details:

Email: contact@poetrymama.com

Or simpy fill the form on Contact Page